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Increase Workplace Safety with 3M Safety-Walk Tape

Increase Workplace Safety with 3M Safety-Walk Tape

safety walk stepsIt goes without saying that work place accidents are unfortunate, sometimes tragic and in many cases, preventable. Some alarming statistics point out that more than a quarter of non-fatal accidents were attributed to slips or falls. They also point out that there were 23 falls with a minor injury or 70 unreported falls for every slip and fall that was fatal. If these accidents had been reported, perhaps the fatal fall would have been prevented. The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has never been more relevant, and with slip, trip and fall accidents costing billions in worker comp payouts, it’s worth looking into how to prevent these maladies.

But what’s the best way to prevent these slips and falls?

Safety-walk for shoesOne easy way to do this, and a way that’s way more affordable than paying out an injury claim, is with 3M’s Safety-Walk tape. What is it? The Safety-Walk tape is probably one of the most common and overlooked safety aids ever. To say that Safety-Walk comes in many varieties would be an understatement. It comes in a standard, unobtrusive black or gray, yellow, yellow/black combo, white, clear, and photo luminescent. More than this, it also comes in a variety of sizes and even textures. You can get it on rolls, in packs cut to the right size for stairs or even some for the bottoms of dress shoes.

So how do you find the right one?  

This brochure breaks down the different model numbers and colors available, and to help you make the right choice, they also include photos with a cross section showing you the textures and recommending the usage. Even better, once you find the texture and color you want, you can get Safety-Walk in custom sizes or one of many standard sizes. There are literally so many possibilities that they can’t all be paraded out in this blog.

3M Safety-walkSome guidelines that will help you are outlined in the brochure, but broken down the 200 series comes in white-ish colors and is best for wet areas where you’ll have bare feet. Like your shower. The 300 series is similar, but comes in darker shades and is probably best suited for pools, docks or boats. The 500 and 700 series is perfect for stairs, ladders, construction areas and similar areas. The 600 series is good for stairs and ramps with light to heavy foot traffic and also comes with graphic highlights. You’ve probably seen a lot of these in hotels or in public and never realized it!

The Safety-Walk tape is an excellent way to add a layer of safety anywhere that people walk with the danger of slipping. While a roll is priced higher than a homeowner would want to pay, it’s ideal for businesses and a far cheaper alternative compared to expensive injury lawsuits, or worse the cost of a lost life. There are also a few within affordable ranges for the average person, so make sure to add some safety to wherever you have foot traffic.

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