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Authentic and Affordable Electronic Components

Authentic and Affordable Electronic Components

More and more people are using circuit boards, designing their own circuits and generally using a lot more electronic components for projects and customized builds of their own. It’s an amazing time to take advantage of the great opportunities available through custom building with the many components available. Unfortunately, there is also a great opportunity for scammers to take advantage of the demand and make counterfeit parts and components. Why someone would make counterfeits of parts that are pretty affordable and how they can make a profit is a question that’s hard to answer, but it is happening.

So, how do you avoid getting counterfeit electronic components?

pots knobOne of the easiest ways to protect yourself against counterfeit electronic components and fraudsters is to have a reputable supplier. To ensure that we provide only authentic, high quality components, we carry NTE components, and while we’ve carried this brand for some time already, we’ve recently updated our online listings with NTE’s full catalog. What this means for you is that you’ll be able to trust the electronic components you get from us are authentic.

While NTE does source some of their components from various sources, NTE inspects them prior to relabeling and distribution. NTE’s inspections ensure that the parts meet or exceed quality standards for whatever they’ll be used for. NTE’s reputation for quality has been good enough to get their components used by NASA, German car manufacturers and medical applications. Those are all fields where quality is not only important, but potentially a matter of life and death. The fact that NTE components are used in those applications is a testament to their quality. In addition to this, NTE has a policy about avoiding controversial sourcing of conflict minerals making them socially responsible as well.

switchNTE’s full catalog, including products under the ECG brand, encompasses quite a lot of components, and not only components, but things like soldering irons, solder, heat shrink tubing and heat guns too. Amongst the components we carry, you’ll be able to find many different basic parts as well as all of the essentials. You can read those blogs at your leisure:  stepper motors, relays, switches, ICs, LEDs, Pots, capacitors, and resistors all of which we carry. These are really only scratching the surface, so be sure to look through the site or call us with any questions. Discount pricing is available on bulk purchases if you contact us ahead of time, and we work with resellers and tax exempt government customers as well. Let us know of any questions!

With the NTE products we carry, your search for quality electronics components is over. NTE is a reputable manufacturer/supplier with a strong sense of ethical sourcing and a strong focus on quality and ensuring that all the products by NTE are components that you can trust.

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