About this item
The Touch Sensor is sensitive to skin contact.
Output: This module normally outputs 0v, but when touched, sends 5v. When connected to an input on the Arduino using the TinkerKit Shield, you will see 0 when there is no touch, and 1023 when touched.
Module Description: on the back of the module you can find a signal amplifier, a capacitor, a green LED that signals that the module is correctly powered and a yellow LED whose brightness depends on the values output by the module.
Please note this device performs an auto calibration when it is turned on, so if someone is touching the switch surface when it is turned on it will not work. To reset, cycle power and make sure no one is touching it as you restart.
This module is a SENSOR. The connector is an OUTPUT which must be connected to one of the INPUT connectors on the TinkerKit Shield.